October Update

Hey all,

I recently added a new package called: SwipeAction on the Unity3D Asset Store. Check out the pages for more information.

I have also added a video explaining and showing the package; I’m planning on doing this for the other projects as well. Let me know what you think.

Other than that, I’ve still been busy with school and other various projects. I’ll be graduating from the school I am currently at fairly soon, where I’ll then be off to the next adventure.

July Update

Hey all,

It’s been a busy time. Some of you may have noticed a couple new Unity3D systems: Scrolling Text System and the more recent Dialog Controller. The scrolling text system is more so just a scrolling text injecting system, which can be injected into any game object within the Unity environment. This can be used for displaying damage text, or healing text within a game, or anything else that comes to your mind. Somewhat similarly, the dialog controller is more so a complete dialog injector where text is read in based off the attached game object’s dialog state. The text files are sorted based off the given name of the game object.

Other than that I’ve still been working on school work throughout the summer, I’ve been taking a couple humanities courses for the required credit. Both of them have been very interesting. In the meantime I’m working on adding these two other systems to the site with more information on how to use it, as well as what it is.

– Chazix

May Update II

Hey all,

I finally got around to adding in information on the Game Bar Creation System page.

Also, as you may know I added an update for both the DC/RTS Controller, the update highlighting multi-selection within the RTS mode, and also an update for the Game Bar Creation System for a GlobeBarSystem, similarly to what you would find in Dungeon Crawler games.

Go ahead and check it out if you’re interested!

– Chazix

May Update

Hey all,

I have a little free time this weekend, thus I’m working on another update for the DC/RTS Controller.

In this update you can expect:

  • Toggles to Choose Either Dungeon Crawler or RTS specific controls
  • Multi-Selection for when the Controller is RTS specific
  • I’m also planning on increasing the price due to the increase in features and complexity (If you already purchased it you’ll still be able to update no problem)

I’ve been busy with school as you can expect, only need a few more classes and part of the degree is achieved.

– Chazix

Chazix Scripts Update

Hey all,

I still have more plans in the works for the DC/RTS Controller, as well as new projects in mind. Don’t expect them anytime soon however, Spring Quarter started back up here last Monday, as you can expect that’s going to take up a good chunk of time. Stuff is still being worked on at the same time, but the pace wont be as quick, so stay tuned! 🙂

– Chazix